Recipe for Zucchini Fans – from Cookbook Author Judith Olney

As summertime approaches, Judith Olney always thinks light, vegetable dishes from Provence. Baby vegetables like zucchini lend themselves perfectly to “fan” making hence the inspiration for her recipe for Zucchini Fans. This is not a recipe with exact amounts, so let the inner-chef in you shine!
Recipe for Zucchini Fans
- Zucchini (summer squash or baby eggplant would also work well)
- Onions, sliced
- Garlic, sliced
- Grape Tomatoes, sliced Olive Oil
- White Wine
- Fresh Thyme
- Fresh Oregano
- Salt
- Pepper
- Coriander Seeds
- Leaving the stem intact, simply slice a small zucchini in half lengthwise then make 5 or six slices lengthwise down each piece.
- Scatter half the sliced onions, garlic and tomatoes on the bottom of an oiled dish.
- Arrange fans on top of the onions, garlic and tomatoes.
- Top with the remaining sliced onions, garlic and tomatoes.
- Pour on some olive oil and white wine to half the depth of your ingredients.
- Scatter fresh thyme, oregano, salt, pepper and coriander seeds on top.
- Cover with foil and bake for 35 minutes in a 350º oven.
- Serve lukewarm or cool.
- Sop up the delicious juices with French bread.
Judith Olney is the former Washington Times Restaurant Critic, author of 7 cookbooks and an award-winning food movie producer. We are fortunate to have Judith leading our Market Tour & Cooking Class on Saturdays. Markets vary by the season and include the West Palm Beach Greenmarket, Ethnic Markets and Swank Farm.